

In this talk, Prof. Li Ping outline an approach that combinesemerging technologies, Al-driven models, andcurrent neurocomputational theories, in an effort tostudy embodied language learning in particular andknowledge acquisition in general.


Sypmosium – Immersive Learning in the Metaverse: The New Horizon of Language Education.


Dr. Yanjie Song & Prof. Ping Li


Prof. Yu-Ju Lan

Prof. Peter Ng

Miss Zilin Wang & Dr. Di Zou

 Dr. Yin Yang


Dr Song Yanjie and Prof Li Ping proposed the Interactive Event on “Metaverse in Education: Design, Applications, and Challenges” at The 31th International Conference on Computers in Education held in Japan during 4-8 December 2023. In this Interactive Event conducted on 5 December,  scholars…


The Round-Table Discussion aims to bring together academics from CILME members and local universities to share and discuss their research, exchange ideas about…


Metaverse attracted worldwide attention since 2022. The Metaverse is considered the third wave of the Internet revolution, able to support persistent interconnected online 3D virtual environments (3DVE), and…


Publishing remains a challenge for many authors,especially when English is a second language. In recent years, it has become increasingly difficult to publish in high-impact journals. This workshop will…


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish the Centre for Immersive Learning and Metaverse in Education (CILME)…